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Dra. Sara Tavares

Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Responsible for Prenatal Diagnosis Consultation

Sara Tavares

Prenatal Diagnosis Center

HPA Magazine 18


It is with pride that another step forward has been taken at the Hospital Particular do Algarve - Gambelas.
More than just to perform obstetric ultrasounds, the HPA - Gambelas has created a Prenatal Diagnosis Center, with a multidisciplinary team of excellence, that has come to fill the gap lacking in the region.
Everyone’s extensive experience and the sharing of knowledge are fundamental to provide the best possible clinical management. 

Centro de Diagnóstico Pré-Natal


The importance of a multidisciplinary team in an antenatal diagnostic centre is widely known. Our centre boasts specialists in obstetrics, paediatrics, genetics, paediatric cardiology and other specialties. Prenatal diagnosis cannot be performed in an individualistic manner. The individual capacity of each element of the centre makes it unique. Its members specialize in maternal-foetal medicine, experience in level 1 ultrasound and also in level 2 ultrasound.  Everyone’s extensive experience and the sharing of knowledge are fundamental in providing the best possible clinical management. 
Paediatric support permits the integration of prenatal results into postnatal care, providing the future mother with the best care possible for her new-born infant.
This centre also has an invaluable asset: the integration of paediatric cardiology with a team specialized in foetal pathology.
When foetal pathology is suspected during pregnancy a quick response is crucial. The centre has the latest technology in genetic evaluation. 
For the pregnant woman who opts for follow-up at this centre, the peace of mind of knowing that this multidisciplinary support will always be present is guaranteed.